
Hot Cicada Summer

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My second Pfizer shot fully ripens in a few hours, and I’ll probably eat at a local restaurant’s outdoor patio to celebrate. Not enough people are vaccinated (Especially children, who aren’t even vaccine eligible yet!), so I’m not going as hog-wild as the CDC, governors, and mayors across the nation are recommending.

And even the cicadas should play it safe this summer. There’s a butt fungus out there.

(panel 1 – Title above a cicada sunbathing in a lounge chair.)
Hot Cicada Summer
(panel 2 – A cicada nymph crawling out of the ground.)
Slowly re-enter society.
(panel 3 – A cicada molting near a discarded face mask.)
Shed protective layers.
(panel 4 – a cicada eating on a leaf.)
Resume outdoor dining.
(panel 5 – Cicadas mating with a “CENSORED” bar over their abdomens.)
Relax social distancing measures.
(panel 6 – An exhausted cicada wiping its brow.)
Lay low for a decade or two.
Cicada, “Oof! I forgot how EXHAUSTING living is!”

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.