Yearly Archives: 2018

House Oversight Tip Line

There’s a real tip line for the incoming Democratic House Oversight Committee, which will soon be able to issue subpoenas and other forms of checks on our fabulously corrupt government.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Read the comic on The Nib.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Disenfranchisement Stickers

Shelby v. Holder gave Republicans the green light to go hog wild on voter suppression. If their efforts can be overcome by huge turnout next week, one of the first things that should be done in the new Congress is to restore The Voting Rights Act to full force.

Preclearance was the only thing keeping these anti-democracy goons at bay.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on DailyKos.

Tips from the Civility Defense Force

If you want more Mitch McConnell, Civil Defense and turtle references, you might want to watch this cartoon I wrote and storyboarded for The Nib’s animated series.

Be sure to check out the rest of the first two seasons! I wrote and contributed to a bunch of it. All 20 episodes can be found here.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Read the comic on GoComics.