Monthly Archives: October 2016

Down and Out in the Senate Races

Down and Out in the Senate RacesOne week until Election Day, and you might be surprised to learn there are other races besides the presidential one going on. Even though the House is safely gerrymandered, the Senate majority is on the line. So make sure to vote for the other stuff on your ballot once you’re done taking your top-of-the-ticket selfie.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

The Candidates Get Out the Vote

Candidates Get Out the VoteI drew and submitted this just before the audio of Trump’s assault comments came out, so I offer my apologies for the soft language in this cartoon.

As the election crawls into its final weeks, human toad and hot ham enthusiast Scott Walker is busy disenfranchising as many of Wisconsin’s voters as possible. Other Republicans are doing the same in their states, thanks to the Supreme Court’s gift of gutting the Voting Rights Act.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

The Prison Strike On-Screen

The Prison Strike On-ScreenA prison labor strike has been going on since September 9, the anniversary of the Attica prison uprising. This comic by Sofie Louise Dam and this Mother Jones article explain their reasons and demands.

The 13th Amendment’s slavery loophole gets covered in Ava DuVernay’s latest documentary “The 13th,” which arrives on Netflix this week. Hopefully that will help the prison strikers and their plight the attention they deserve.

Read the comic at The New York Times.